Welcome to Yu-Jen Cheng's Homepage
I am a professor in the Institute of Statistics and Data Science at National Tsing Hua University. I am interested in developing statistical methods to estimate the effects of risk factors on disease occurrence using incomplete data. The applications of these methods include evaluating the causal impact of treatment with biased survival data, analyzing recurrent event data with inaccurately measured covariates and informative censoring, identifying significant risk factors for disease progression, and improving estimation accuracy and prediction efficiency for smaller scale studies.
- Principal Investigator: Yu-Jen Cheng (鄭又仁)
- Education: PhD, Department of Biostatistics, Johns Hopkins University
- Website: http://www.stat.nthu.edu.tw/~ycheng/
- Email: ycheng@stat.nthu.edu.tw/
- Phone: +886 3 5715131 ext 33189
- Office: Room 817, General Building III
- Location: No. 101-1, Sec. 2, Guangfu Rd., East Dist., Hsinchu City 300044, Taiwan
Research Interests
Biased Sampling; Causal Inference; Information Synthesis; Measurement Error; Recurrent Events; Statistical Learning; Survival Analysis
* represents Yu-Jen Cheng as corresponding author
† represents student author under Yu-Jen Cheng's supervision
- Cheng-Han Yang† and Yu-Jen Cheng*. A Model-Free Variable Screening Method for Optimal Treatment Regimes with High-Dimensional Survival Data. Biometrika, 1369-1386, 2024.
- Yu-Jen Cheng∗, Yen-Chun Liu†, Chang-Yu Tsai, and Chiung-Yu Huang. Semiparametric Estimation of the Transformation Model by Leveraging External Aggregate Data in the Presence of Population Heterogeneity. Biometrics, 1996-2009, 2023.
- Chien-Tong Lin†, Yu-Jen Cheng* and Ching-Kang Ing. Greedy variable selection for high-dimensional Cox models. Statistica Sinica, 1697-1719, 2023.
- Yu-Jen Cheng*, Mei-Cheng Wang and Chang-Yu Tsai†. Estimations of the joint distribution of failure time and failure type with dependent truncation. Biometrics, 428-438, 2019.
- Hsiang Yu†, Yu-Jen Cheng*, and Ching-Yun Wang. Methods for multivariate recurrent event data with measurement error and informative censoring. Biometrics, 966-976, 2018.
- Hsiang Yu†, Yu-Jen Cheng*, and Ching-Yun Wang. Semiparametric regression estimation for recurrent event data with errors in covariates under informative censoring. The International Journal of Biostatistics, vol. 12, issue 2, 18, 2016.
- Yu-Jen Cheng* and Mei-Cheng Wang. Causal estimation using the semiparametric transformation models under prevalent sampling. Biometrics, 302-312, 2015.
- Yu-Jen Cheng* and Chiung-Yu Huang. Combined estimating equation approaches for semiparametric transformation models with length-biased survival data. Biometrics, 608-618, 2014.
- Yu-Jen Cheng* and Mei-Cheng Wang. Estimating propensity scores and causal survival functions using prevalent survival data. Biometrics, 707-716, 2012.
- G. Nestadt*, C. Di, J. F. Samuels, Yu-Jen Cheng, O. J. Bienvenu, I. M. Reti, P. Costa, W. W. Eaton and K. Bandeen-Roche. Concordance between personality disorder assessment methods. Psychological Medicine, 657-667, 2012.
- Irving M. Reti*, Jerry Z. Xu, Jason Yanofski, Jodi McKibben, Magdalena Uhart, Yu-Jen Cheng, Peter Zandi, et al. Monoamine oxidase A regulates antisocial personality in whites with no history of physical abuse. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 52:188-194, 2011.
- Veronica Rolim S Fernandes, Susan Cheng, Yu-Jen Cheng, Boaz Rosen, Sachin Agarwal, Robyn L McClelland, David A Bluemke, Joao A C Lima*. Racial and ethnic differences in subclinical myocardial function: the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis. Heart, 97:405-410, 2011.
- Yu-Jen Cheng* and Ciprian M. Crainiceanu. Cox models with smooth functional effect of covariates measured with errors. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 104, 1144-1154, 2009.
- Andrea Carlson Gielen*, Lara B McKenzie, Eileen M McDonald, Wendy C Shields, Mei-Cheng Wang, Yu-Jen Cheng, Nancy L Weaver, Allen R Walker. Using a computer kiosk to promote child safety: results of a randomized, controlled trial in an urban pediatric emergency department. Pediatrics, 2007 Aug; 120 (2):330-9.
- Time: M7M8M9
- Room: R837, General Building III
- TA: 莊明儒 email:zhuang890212@gmail.com
- TA: 黃晨溦 email:lotiausxx@gmail.com
- TA: 楊明澐 email:myyang@gapp.nthu.edu.tw
- Time: T3T4R4
- Room: R837, General Building III
- TA: 傅楷崴 email:s112024514@m112.nthu.edu.tw
- TA: 謝一鋐 email:ray5535518@gmail.com
- Undergraduate Courses: Introduction to Biostatistics、Introduction to Statistics、Statistics (I)、Statistics (II)、Statistical Data Analysis
- Graduate Courses: Colloquium、Discrete Analysis、Generalized Linear Models、High Dimensional Survival Data Analysis、Incomplete and correlated Data Analysis、Longitudinal Data Analysis、Practicing Statistics、Seminar、Statistical Computing、Statistical Learning、Survival Analysis
Lab Members
Current Members
- Dr. Chang-Yu Tsai
PhD Students
- Ming-Ju Chuang
- Chen-Wei Huang
Master Students
- Kai-Wei Fu
Former Members
PhD Students
- Jih-Chang Yu
- Current position: Assistant Professor at National Taipei University
- Hsiang Yu
- Current position: Data Scientist at Pharmaceutical Product Development (PPD)
- Chien-Tong Lin
- Current position: Assistant Professor at Feng Chia University
- Chang-Yu Tsai
- Current position: Post doctor at National Tsing Hua University
Master Students
- 2024: Yuan-Chi Chao
- 2023: Kao-Ti Chang、Chung-Ting Tai
- 2022: Po-Chuang Su、Shi-Jie Huang、Yen-Chun Liu (PhD student at Duke university)
- 2021: Chia-Lin Chiang、Pi-Hsiang Liu、Che-Yu Chu
- 2020: Chun-Ya Juan、Chia-Hsuan Teng、Tzu-Hsiang Dai
- 2019: Xiao-Ying Lin、Siou-Yi Li、Hsiang-Weng Hsieh
- 2018: Chia-Chun Hsieh
- 2017: Cheng-Han Yang (PhD student at University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston)、Ke-Han Pan
- 2016: Jen-Yu Tseng
- 2015: Sheng-Tao Yang (PhD from Georgia Institute of Technology, Research Scientist at Meta)、Bang-Chun Wen
- 2014: Kai-Wen Chen、Ya-Ling Ko
- 2013: Meng-Tang Pan、Yi-Cheng Chen
- 2012: Chang-Yu Tsai、Ting-Yu Lu、Li-Feng Huang
- 2011: Hsiang Yu