Robust regression (Reading: Faraway (2005, 1st edition), 6.4)


We demonstrate the robust methods on the Chicago insurance data. Using least squares on the data:

> chicago <- read.table("chicago.txt")

> g <- lm(involact ~ race + fire + theft + age + log(income), data =chicago)
> summary(g)


lm(formula = involact ~ race + fire + theft + age + log(income),

    data = chicago)



     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max

-0.85393 -0.16922 -0.03088  0.17890  0.81228



             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)   

(Intercept) -3.573976   3.857292  -0.927 0.359582   

race         0.009502   0.002490   3.817 0.000449 ***

fire         0.039856   0.008766   4.547 4.76e-05 ***

theft       -0.010295   0.002818  -3.653 0.000728 ***

age          0.008336   0.002744   3.038 0.004134 **

log(income)  0.345762   0.400123   0.864 0.392540   


Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1


Residual standard error: 0.3345 on 41 degrees of freedom

Multiple R-Squared: 0.7517,     Adjusted R-squared: 0.7214

F-statistic: 24.83 on 5 and 41 DF,  p-value: 2.009e-11

Least squares works well when there are normal errors but can be upset by long-tailed errors. A convenient way to apply the Huber method is to apply the "rlm()" function which is part of the MASS library. The default is to use the Huber method but there are other choices (it's controlled by the "psi" option in function "rlm"). 

> library(MASS)

> gr <- rlm(involact ~ race + fire + theft + age + log(income), data =chicago)

> summary(gr)

Call: rlm(formula = involact ~ race + fire + theft + age + log(income),

    data = chicago)


     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max

-0.99015 -0.16183 -0.01694  0.17569  0.89655



            Value   Std. Error t value

(Intercept) -2.9257  3.3974    -0.8612

race         0.0079  0.0022     3.5828

fire         0.0459  0.0077     5.9404

theft       -0.0097  0.0025    -3.9124

age          0.0064  0.0024     2.6509

log(income)  0.2829  0.3524     0.8029


Residual standard error: 0.2492 on 41 degrees of freedom


Correlation of Coefficients:

            (Intercept) race    fire    theft   age   

race        -0.6537                                   

fire        -0.4200     -0.0958                       

theft        0.2803     -0.1050 -0.5324               

age         -0.4996      0.2941  0.0098 -0.2366       

log(income) -0.9993      0.6501  0.4237 -0.2883  0.4747

The R2 and F-statistics are not given because they cannot be calculated (at least not in the same way). The numerical values of the coefficients have changed a small amount but the general significance of the variables remains the same and our substantive conclusion would not be altered. If you have seen something different, you would need to find out the cause. Perhaps some group of observations were not being fit well and the robust regression excluded these points.


Now try resistant regression methods: least trimmed squares (LTS) and least median of squares (LMS). These methods are the most robust of the methods tried here (in terms of breakdown point):

> library(MASS)

> glts <- ltsreg(involact ~ race + fire + theft + age + log(income), data =chicago)

> glts


lqs.formula(formula = involact ~ race + fire + theft + age +

    log(income), data = chicago, method = "lts")



(Intercept)         race         fire        theft          age  log(income) 

  -2.743009     0.007801     0.046987    -0.008674     0.001060     0.282555 


Scale estimates 0.1479 0.1654

> glts <- ltsreg(involact ~ race + fire + theft + age + log(income), data =chicago)

> glts


lqs.formula(formula = involact ~ race + fire + theft + age +

    log(income), data = chicago, method = "lts")



(Intercept)         race         fire        theft          age  log(income) 

 -1.725e+00    5.351e-03    5.138e-02   -8.592e-03    2.706e-05    1.800e-01 


Scale estimates 0.1490 0.1818

The default choice of q is [n/2]+[(p+1)/2], where [x] indicates the largest integer less than or equal to x. I repeated the command twice and you will notice that the results are somewhat different. This is because the default genetic algorithm used to compute the coefficients is non-deterministic. An exhaustive search method can be used:

> glts <- ltsreg(involact ~ race + fire + theft + age + log(income), data =chicago, nsamp="exact")

But, it may take a long time to get the result.

> glts


lqs.formula(formula = involact ~ race + fire + theft + age +

    log(income), data = chicago, nsamp = "exact", method = "lts")



(Intercept)         race         fire        theft          age  log(income) 

 -1.1209359    0.0057515    0.0485985   -0.0085099    0.0007616    0.1125155 


Scale estimates 0.1342 0.1571


For LMS, you can use:

> glms <- lmsreg(involact ~ race + fire + theft + age + log(income), data =chicago)

> glms


lqs.formula(formula = involact ~ race + fire + theft + age +

    log(income), data = chicago, method = "lms")



(Intercept)         race         fire        theft          age  log(income) 

 -1.9920074    0.0083958    0.0462469   -0.0087194    0.0008802    0.2028362 


Scale estimates 0.1254 0.1460

> glms <- lmsreg(involact ~ race + fire + theft + age + log(income), data =chicago)

> glms


lqs.formula(formula = involact ~ race + fire + theft + age +

    log(income), data = chicago, method = "lms")



(Intercept)         race         fire        theft          age  log(income) 

  -5.145357    -0.002059     0.088543    -0.016717     0.005252     0.526124 


Scale estimates 0.1509 0.1301

We have the same problem as in LTS.


To show why the two methods is more resistant to outliers. Let's take a look of the star data used in outlier test lab:

> star <- read.table("star.txt",h=T)
> plot(star$temp,star$light)

> gs <- lm(light ~ temp, data=star)
> abline(gs, lty=1)

> gsr <- rlm(light ~ temp, data=star)

> abline(gsr, lty=2)

> gslts <- ltsreg(light ~ temp, data=star)

> abline(gslts, lty=3)

> gslms <- lmsreg(light ~ temp, data=star)

> abline(gslms, lty=4)






































