Confidence Interval and Region (Reading: Faraway(2005, 1st ed.), 3.4, 3.5)


Now, consider the savings data we analyzed in previous lab:

> saving.x <- read.table("saving.x", header=T) # read the data into R

> p15 <- saving.x[,1]; p75 <- saving.x[,2]; inc <- saving.x[,3]; gro <- saving.x[,4]; sav <- saving.x[,5] # assign columns

> g <- lm(sav~p15+p75+inc+gro) # fit the model with saving as response and the rest as predictors


confidence interval for bi


> summary(g) # take a look of the fitted model


lm(formula = sav ~ p15 + p75 + inc + gro)



    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max

-8.2423 -2.6859 -0.2491  2.4278  9.7509



              Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)   

(Intercept) 28.5666100  7.3544986   3.884 0.000334 ***

p15         -0.4612050  0.1446425  -3.189 0.002602 **

p75         -1.6915757  1.0835862  -1.561 0.125508   

inc         -0.0003368  0.0009311  -0.362 0.719296   

gro          0.4096998  0.1961961   2.088 0.042468 * 


Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1


Residual standard error: 3.803 on 45 degrees of freedom

Multiple R-Squared: 0.3385,     Adjusted R-squared: 0.2797

F-statistic: 5.756 on 4 and 45 DF,  p-value: 0.0007902

> qt(0.975, 45) # the 95% critical value, dfW=n-p=45

[1] 2.014103


95% confidence interval for p75:

> c(-1.6915757-2.014103*1.0835862 , -1.6915757+2.014103*1.0835862) # confidence interval = estimate ± (critical value)*(s.e. of estimate). 

[1] -3.8740299  0.4908785


95% confidence interval for gro:

> c(0.4096998-2.014103*0.1961961, 0.4096998+2.014103*0.1961961)  # confidence interval = estimate ± (critical value)*(s.e. of estimate).

[1] 0.01454065 0.80485895


The following is a convenient way to obtain all the uni-variate intervals:

> confint(g) # the "confint" command computes confidence intervals for parameters in a fitted model

                   2.5 %       97.5 %

(Intercept) 13.753889525 43.379330574

p15         -0.752529944 -0.169880096

p75         -3.874030378  0.490878991

inc         -0.002212181  0.001538658

gro          0.014540626  0.804858920


confidence region for bi and bj


We would need to add and load a library called "ellipse". In R, to add a new package, you can do it from the "程式套件"→"安裝程式套件" in the toolbar and choose a CRAN mirror which is close to you. Then, in the Packages window, double-click on the "ellipse".

> library(ellipse) # the "library" command can load add-on packages
> help(ellipse) # take a look of the document of ellipse package. Note that the default confidence level is 95%

> plot(ellipse(g, c(2,3)), lwd=3, type="l", xlim=c(-1,0))  # the 95% confidence region for p15 and p75. "c(2,3)" appoints the 2nd and the 3rd estimates, i.e., p15 and p75, in the object g. "type" and "xlim" are graphic options. 
> points(0, 0, cex=1.5, pch=15)  # add the point (0,0) to the plot. the "points" command can add points on the plot. "cex" and "pch" are graphic options, use "help(par)" to get more information.
> points(g$coef[2], g$coef[3], cex=2,pch=18) # add the estimates of p15 and p75 to the plot.
> abline(v=c(-0.4612050-2.014103*0.1446425, -0.4612050+2.014103*0.1446425),lwd=3,lty=2) # 95% confidence interval of p15. The "abline" command can add straight lines on the plot.
> abline(h=c(-1.6915757-2.014103*1.0835862, -1.6915757+2.014103*1.0835862),lwd=3,lty=2) # 95% confidence interval of p75.


confidence interval for the prediction of mean response


For the model g, let's try to construct a 95% confidence interval for the prediction of mean response at p15=4, p75=3, inc=1100, and gro=3. Q: Check it's an interpolation or an extrapolation.

> x0 <- c(1,4,3,1100,3) # don't forget to include the intercept
> y0 <- sum(x0*g$coef) # the estimate of mean response
> y0 # the average saving when p15=4, p75=3, inc=1100, and gro=3 is 22.5

[1] 22.50572

> qt(0.975, g$df) # the 95% critical value

[1] 2.014103

> x <- model.matrix(g) # the model matrix X
> xtxi <- solve(t(x)%*%x) # (XTX)-1

> bm <- sqrt(t(x0)%*%xtxi%*%x0) * summary(g)$sigma  # this is the standard error of the estimate of mean response. Q: what does "summary(g)$sigma" estimate?
> bm # take a look of its value


[1,] 4.001363

> c(y0-qt(0.975,g$df)*bm, y0+qt(0.975,g$df)*bm) # the 95% confidence interval for the prediction of mean response. confidence interval = estimate ± (critical value)*(s.e. of estimate).

[1] 14.44657 30.56488


There is a more direct method in R as follows for computing the confidence interval of prediction.
> predict(g, data.frame(p15=4, p75=3,i nc=1100, gro=3), se=T, interval="confidence") # use "help(predict.lm)" to get more information about the command. The "interval="confidence"" option returns the C.I. of mean response whereas "interval="prediction"" returns the C.I. of future observation. Note that the default confidence level is 0.95.


          fit      lwr      upr

[1,] 22.50572 14.44657 30.56488



[1] 4.001363



[1] 45



[1] 3.802648


Let us now generate a pointwise confidence band for predictor p75 when other predictors are fixed at their mean values.

> grid <- seq(0, 10, 0.1) # predict mean response at these p75 values

> p <- predict(g, data.frame(p15=mean(p15), p75=grid, inc=mean(inc), gro=mean(gro)), se=T, interval="confidence") # obtain the estimates of mean response and their C.I.'s

> matplot(grid, p$fit, lty=c(1,2,2), lwd=3, type="l", xlab="p75", ylab="saving") # draw the prediction line and confidence band. the "matplot" command plots the columns of one matrix against the columns of another

> rug(p75) # the observed values of p75.



confidence interval for the prediction of future observation


The prediction of future observation has same predicted value as the prediction of mean response. However, the former will have a wider C.I. than the latter because we must take into consideration the variance of e, a future error.

> bmf <- sqrt(1+(t(x0)%*%xtxi%*%x0)) * summary(g)$sigma # compare it with the "bm" above. Note that the 1 comes from future error
> bmf # take a look of the value


[1,] 5.520058

> c(y0-qt(0.975,g$df)*bmf, y0+qt(0.975,g$df)*bmf) # the 95% confidence interval for the prediction of future observation. confidence interval = estimate ± (critical value)*(s.e. of estimate).

[1] 11.38776 33.62369

> predict(g, data.frame(p15=4, p75=3, inc=1100, gro=3), interval="prediction") # a convenient way to obtain the confidence interval. the "interval="prediction"" option returns the C.I. for the prediction of future observation

          fit      lwr      upr

[1,] 22.50572 11.38776 33.62369

Compare it with the CI for the prediction of mean response.