Assignment 4

  1. Moore (1975) reported the results of an experiment to construct a model for total oxygen demand in dairy wastes as a function of five laboratory measurements (data). Data were collected on samples kept in suspension in water in a laboratory for 220 days. Although all observations reported here were taken on the same sample over time, assume that they are independent. The measured variables are:

    y : log (oxygen demand, mg oxygen per minute)

    x1 : biological oxygen demand, mg/liter

    x2 : total Kjeldahl nitrogen, mg/liter

    x3 : total solids, mg/liter

    x4 : total volatile solids, a component of x3, mg/liter

    x5 : chemical oxygen demand, mg/liter

Fit a multiple regression model y=£]0+£]1x1+£]2x2+£]3x3+£]4x4+£]5x5+£` using y as the dependent variable and all xj¡¦s as the independent variables.

  1. Form a 95% confidence interval for £]3 and again for £]5.

  2. Form a 95% confidence interval for β3 + 2β5.

  3. Show graphically a 95% confidence region for £]3 and £]5. Plot the origin on this display. The location of the origin on the display tells us the outcome of a certain hypothesis test. State that test and its outcome.

  4. If a 95% joint confidence region was computed for (£]1, £]2, £]3, £]4, £]5), would the origin, (0, 0, 0, 0, 0), lie inside or outside the region? Explain.

  5. Suppose it is suspected that non-volatile solids have no linear effect on the response. State a hypothesis in terms of the parameters of the full model that reflects this suspicion, and test it using a confidence interval in your answer to one of the above questions. Explain why the chosen confidence interval can be used to do this work.

  1. The data are a random sample of home sales from Spring 1993 in Albuquerque. The variables are:
        Price: Selling price in hundreds of dollars
        SQFT: Square feet of living space.
        Age: Age of home (years)
        Features: Number out of 11 features (dish washer, refrigerator, microwave, disposer, washer, intercom, skylight(s), compactor, dryer, handicap fit, cable TV access)
        NE: Located in northeast sector of city (1) or not (0) 
        Corner: Corner location (1) or not (0)
        Taxes: Annual taxes in dollars 
  1. There are a large number of missing values (denoted by "NA" in the dataset) in the Age variable. We could exclude Age from our models for the selling price or we could keep Age and exclude the cases that have missing values for Age. Which choice is better for this data? Explain your reasoning.
  2. Fit a model with selling price as the response and SQFT, Features, NE, Corner, and Taxes as predictors. Form 95% confidence intervals for their coefficients. Form 99% confidence intervals for their coefficients. Explain how the p-value for the parameter for Corner relates to whether zero falls in the two corresponding confidence intervals.
  3. Predict the selling price of a specific house with SQFT=2500, Features=5, NE=1, Corner=1, and Taxes=1200. Give an appropriate 95% confidence interval.
  4. Suppose you are only told that SQFT=2500. Predict the selling price and 95% confidence interval.
































