Choice of Link Function (Reading: Faraway (2006, 1st ed.), section 2.7)


Bliss (1935) analyzed some data on the number of insects dying at different levels of insecticide concentration. Let us first read into R the data and take a look of it:

> bliss <- read.table("bliss.txt")
> bliss

  dead alive conc

1    2    28    0

2    8    22    1

3   15    15    2

4   23     7    3

5   27     3    4


    We now fit the binomial GLM to the data under the three link functions --- logit, probit, and complementary log-log:

> modl <- glm(cbind(dead,alive) ~ conc, family=binomial, data=bliss)
> modp <- glm(cbind(dead,alive) ~ conc, family=binomial(link=probit), data=bliss)
> modc <- glm(cbind(dead,alive) ~ conc, family=binomial(link=cloglog), data=bliss)

    We start by considering the fitted values of probability px:

> fitted(modl) # or use the command "predict(modl,type="response")"

         1          2          3          4          5

0.08917177 0.23832314 0.50000000 0.76167686 0.91082823

An alternative way to obtain these values is to use linear predictor, hx:

> coef(modl)[1]+coef(modl)[2]*bliss$conc

[1] -2.323790e+00 -1.161895e+00  4.440892e-16  1.161895e+00  2.323790e+00

The values of linear predictor can also be obtained from:

> modl$linear.predictors # or use the command "predict(modl)"

            1             2             3             4             5

-2.323790e+00 -1.161895e+00  4.440892e-16  1.161895e+00  2.323790e+00

The fitted values of probability are then:

> ilogit(modl$linear.predictors)

         1          2          3          4          5

0.08917177 0.23832314 0.50000000 0.76167686 0.91082823

Notice the need to distinguish between predictions in the scale of the response (i.e., px) and the link (i.e., hx).


    Now, let us compare the logit, probit, and complementary log-log fits:

> cbind(fitted(modl),fitted(modp),fitted(modc))

        [,1]       [,2]      [,3]

1 0.08917177 0.08424186 0.1272700

2 0.23832314 0.24487335 0.2496909

3 0.50000000 0.49827210 0.4545910

4 0.76167686 0.75239612 0.7217655

5 0.91082823 0.91441122 0.9327715

These are not very different, but now look at a wider range -2<concentration<8:

> x <- seq(-2,8,0.2)
> pl <- ilogit(modl$coef[1]+modl$coef[2]*x)
> pp <- pnorm(modp$coef[1]+modp$coef[2]*x)
> pc <- 1-exp(-exp((modc$coef[1]+modc$coef[2]*x)))
> plot(x,pl,type="l",ylab="Probability",xlab="Dose")
> lines(x,pp,lty=3)
> lines(x,pc,lty=5)

In the figure, logit fit is shown by a solid line, probit fit a dotted line, complementary log-log a dashed line. We can see that:

> matplot(x,cbind(pp/pl,(1-pp)/(1-pl)),type="l",xlab="Dose",ylab="Ratio")

In the figure, the lower tail ratio of probit to logit probabilities (i.e., px,probit/px,logit) is given by the solid line, the upper tail ratio (i.e., (1-px,probit)/(1-px,logit)) is given by the dashed line.

> matplot(x,cbind(pc/pl,(1-pc)/(1-pl)),type="l",xlab="Dose",ylab="Ratio")

In the figure, the lower tail ratio of complementary log-log to logit probabilities is given by the solid line, the upper tail ratio is given by the dashed line.